Entries in section: 88
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Quake 2 Explosions
1996-06-22 0 144
Quake 2 Explosions

Two new explosions for rockets from the Quake 2 Demo

1996-06-22 0 164

Add a Silencer to Quake.

Simple Weapon Naming
1996-06-22 0 115
Simple Weapon Naming

Print Weapon Name on Impulse/Selection

Sniper Rifle
1996-06-22 0 152
Sniper Rifle

A Simple, but good Sniper Rifle.

1996-06-22 0 453

A star firing new weapon.

Stick Grenades
1996-06-22 0 136
Stick Grenades

Stick your grenades to everything! (even people)

Thunder Grenades
1996-06-22 0 138
Thunder Grenades

Utilize the power of the temporary entities.

1996-06-22 0 149

Monsters roam, and generally get lost with this tutorial.

Healer Zombies
1996-06-22 0 151
Healer Zombies

Zombies that have defected to your side can help you out with a little health!

Killable Boss
1996-06-22 0 143
Killable Boss

Make that "shareware" boss killable!

1996-06-22 0 156

Create a new monster, the Mage.

Monster Health
1996-06-22 0 128
Monster Health

Shows you how you can make monster health modifiable in the map

Multi Attack
1996-06-22 0 120
Multi Attack

big tutortial on how to make *all* monster fire random weapons.

Nail Ogres
1996-06-22 0 129
Nail Ogres

This patch makes the Ogres shoot nails, and grenades! Almost like in Qtest. it is really neat, coz you almost never know which weapon he will choose

New Zombies
1996-06-22 0 118
New Zombies

Check this cool tut to change your zombies in...

Rocket Soldiers
1996-06-22 0 129
Rocket Soldiers

This is an tutorial that makes Grunts fire weakened rockets at you. It is really cool, to get a rocket SPLAT in you are face from what used to be the 2nd weakest monster in Quake

Smart Grunts
1996-06-22 0 125
Smart Grunts

Legion tells you how to brighten up those zany grunts.

Wall Zombies
1996-06-22 0 139
Wall Zombies

Do you ever get bored by the Zombies that just like hang there on the wall? hell, then do this tutorials, and shoot them down! Every patch should have this one

Bood Splats
1996-06-22 0 151
Bood Splats

A cool tutorial from MaNiAc that shows how to add blood splatters on walls!

Bloodier Trails
1996-06-22 0 127
Bloodier Trails

Shows how to make trails of blood for gibs

Gibbable Corpses
1996-06-22 0 121
Gibbable Corpses

Make those dead bodies gibbable.

Human Cluster Bombs
1996-06-22 0 125
Human Cluster Bombs

Merl1n made a tutorial that creates Human cluster bombs like the ones from Legion of Doom.

I bleed!
1996-06-22 0 132
I bleed!

In this tutorial we will make the player "bleed" if he gets low on health.

Kicking Heads
1996-06-22 0 188
Kicking Heads

Kick those blasted heads that get thrown off bodies!

More Blood
1996-06-22 0 154
More Blood

Want some more blood added to Quake? Check this tutorial out! Makes the game a lot bloodyer!

More Gibs
1996-06-22 0 155
More Gibs

Verry Simple way to inclease the ammout of gore when you gib a player

Pain Skins
1996-06-22 0 147
Pain Skins

Learn what you need to do if you want to add pain skins to your mod.

Rainbow Blood
1996-06-22 0 120
Rainbow Blood

Make blood random colors! This looks like a trip!

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