Powerful Axe
Author: NightWolfSource: https://www.insideqc.com/qctut/qctut-27.shtml
Step 1 We are going to transform your shotgun into a damn powerful axe. First open up the weapons.qc. Find void() W_FireAxe = copy the code right below it. It should look like this:
Step 2 Paste this right after the void() W_FireShotgun = so it sould look like this: Ok, now open up defs.qc and add to the end:
Step 3 Now search for self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_shot.mdl"; and make the changes in this color:
Step 4 Compile and have fun. Tutorial done by NightWolf. Email: [email protected] This may be a bit confusing.. It is my first tut and im still trying to explain it better. |
Tags: tutorial, quakec, qc, insideqc, weapon