Entries in section: 36
Shown entries: 31-36
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Q3 Model Tool
2023-07-13 0 393
Q3 Model Tool

Tool for viewing MD3 models.

Half-life Model Decompiler
2023-07-13 0 222
Half-life Model Decompiler

This is the MDL Decompiler used to decompile all half life 1 (goldsource) models, use this program along with half life model viewer.

Blebder MD3 Export addon
2023-07-13 0 227
Blebder MD3 Export addon

Allows you to export MD3 format model from blender.

Quake Image tools (TGA2LMP)
2023-07-13 0 132
Quake Image tools (TGA2LMP)

Convert TGA images to LMP and back.

FIMG (LMP Edtior)
2023-07-13 0 289
FIMG (LMP Edtior)

Fimg is an image editor for sprites and similar assets in Quake by FrikaC for Windows.

Wally (WAD Edtior)
2023-07-13 0 522
Wally (WAD Edtior)

Popular tool for creating and editing files WADs.

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Owned by kleskby#1837

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