Wally (WAD Edtior)

2023-07-13 2D Image tools kleskby 0 491 348
Popular tool for creating and editing files .WADs. Wally is considered by many to be the de facto texture and WAD manager. With it, you can add, edit, and delete textures from existing WADs, as well as merge ones with equivalent formats. It supports many texture formats; Quake and Quake II textures, including the ones from SiN, Serious Sam, and Heretic II, are supported in addition to the more general JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, and PCX formats. Textures of these formats can be ripped from PAK files, exported out as loose files, or imported into WADs for distribution with maps and importing into level editors.

Tags: 2d, convert, editor
Owned by kleskby#1837

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