Q3 Model Tool

2023-07-13 3D Modeling tools kleskby 0 393 336

Q3 Model Tool is a Swiss knife for Quake3-games modelers, mappers and moders.

Key features

  • Calculation of LOD for playermodels, the user can manually adjust the LOD-Minimum per surface, and see the model-detail change on screen.
  • Convert .MAP brushwork to a .MD3 model, mappers can make a model in Radiant from just brushwork, and use this tool to convert it to an MD3 model.
  • Export frames from playermodels to animated MD3: save a selected range of frames to an animated MD3. Tags are also exported, so the mapper is able to attach other models to the final MD3.
  • Combine frames from MD3-files into 1 final. With this option the user can create animated MD3 models from a combination of frames from other MD3 models.
  • Loading MDS, and save it as an MDM/MDX combo.


The code is written in Pascal, and was originally built using Delphi 7 IDE.


Documentation can be read online here https://isryven.github.io/Q3-Model-Tool/

Tags: 3d, 3D, MD3, quake, viewer
Owned by kleskby#1837

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