Author: MariusSource:
After playing the awesome Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64, I got to thinking that the MagSec4 pistol would be rather cool in a mod. This tutorial is the result of that idea. A powerful pistol doing 45 damage while being inaccurate. This tutorial sees the basic nailgun replaced with the MagSec4. So lets go... First download the zip file which conatins 3 models to be placed in the Progs folder. Please note that for this tutorial I have used the Colt 45 Mdl from Special Forces mod due to the absence of a good enough model and my crap model making skills. If anyone whats to make some models based on Perfect Dark please, please, please contact me!
Step 1.
Create a new file called Magsec.qc into the file past the following code:
void(float damage) spawn_touchblood; //Prototype
void () case_touch =
if (other.classname == "door") return ;
sound (self,CHAN_WEAPON,"weapons/tink1.wav",1,ATTN_NORM);
void (vector org, vector dir) eject_case =
local float r;
local string temp;
r = random();
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.owner = self;
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.angles = vectoangles (dir);
newmis.classname = "Bullet Casing";
newmis.touch = case_touch;
newmis.think = SUB_Remove;
newmis.nextthink = (time + 3);
setmodel (newmis,"progs/case.mdl");
setsize (newmis,VEC_ORIGIN,VEC_ORIGIN);
setorigin (newmis,org);
if ((r < 0.100) && (r >= MSG_BROADCAST))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 20.000) + (v_right * 60.000)) + (v_up * 80.000));
if ((r < 0.200) && (r >= 0.100))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * SVC_INTERMISSION) + (v_right * 65.000)) + (v_up * 90.000));
if ((r < 0.300) && (r >= 0.200))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 25.000) + (v_right * 70.000)) + (v_up * 100.000));
if ((r < 0.400) && (r >= 0.300))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 15.000) + (v_right * 75.000)) + (v_up * 110.000));
if ((r < 0.500) && (r >= 0.400))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 25.000) + (v_right * 80.000)) + (v_up * 130.000));
if ((r < 0.600) && (r >= 0.500))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 20.000) + (v_right * 85.000)) + (v_up * 150.000));
if ((r < 0.700) && (r >= 0.600))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * TE_LAVASPLASH) + (v_right * 90.000)) + (v_up * 120.000));
if ((r < 0.800) && (r >= 0.700))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 20.000) + (v_right * 100.000)) + (v_up * 200.000));
if ((r < 0.900) && (r >= 0.800))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * SVC_INTERMISSION) + (v_right * 110.000)) + (v_up * 130.000));
if ((r <= 2) && (r >= 0.900))
newmis.velocity = (((v_forward * 25.000) + (v_right * 105.000)) + (v_up * 175.000));
void() magsec4_touch =
if (other == self.owner)return;
if (other.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER)return; // trigger field, do nothing
if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SKY)
if (other.takedamage)
spawn_touchblood (45);
T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, 45);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
void (vector org) LaunchProjectile =
local vector dir, spd;
dir = aim (self, 100000);
spd = dir*1000;
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.owner = self;
newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.classname = "bullet";
newmis.velocity = dir * 1000;
newmis.angles = vectoangles (newmis.velocity);
setmodel (newmis, "progs/bullet.mdl");
setsize (newmis, '0 0 0','0 0 0');
setorigin (newmis, org);
newmis.touch = magsec4_touch;
newmis.nextthink = time + 5;
newmis.think = SUB_Remove;
void() W_FireMagsec =
local vector dir, org, case;
local entity old;
case = aim (self,10000);
self.currentammo = self.ammo_nails = self.ammo_nails - 1;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/spike2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (random() < 0.1) org = self.origin + '0 0 20'+(v_right * -2);
else if (random() < 0.2) org = self.origin + '0 0 16'+(v_right * 3);
else if (random() < 0.3) org = self.origin + '0 0 12'+(v_right * -1);
else if (random() < 0.4) org = self.origin + '0 0 16'+(v_right * 1);
else if (random() < 0.5) org = self.origin + '0 0 18'+(v_right * -4);
else if (random() < 0.6) org = self.origin + '0 0 14'+(v_right * 4);
else if (random() < 0.7) org = self.origin + '0 0 13'+(v_right * -3);
else if (random() < 0.8) org = self.origin + '0 0 17'+(v_right * 2);
else if (random() < 0.9) org = self.origin + '0 0 20'+(v_right * 1);
else org = self.origin + '0 0 16';
eject_case (((self.origin + (v_forward * 12)) + (v_up * 13)),case);
self.punchangle_x = -2;
Step 2.
Once you have created Magsec.qc open up Weapons.qc and find W_Preacache and add the following to the bottom of the function:
precache_model ("progs/bullet.mdl"); // Bullet
precache_model ("progs/case.mdl"); // Bullet Case
precache_model ("progs/v_magsec.mdl"); // Magsec Pistol Model
Save and go onto Step 3.
Step 3.
Still in Weapons.qc scroll down to W_SetCurrentAmmo and find the following:
else if (self.weapon == IT_NAILGUN)
self.currentammo = self.ammo_nails;
self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_nail.mdl";
self.weaponframe = 0;
self.items = self.items | IT_NAILS;
Replace the above with what follows:
else if (self.weapon == IT_NAILGUN) //Magsec
self.currentammo = self.ammo_nails;
self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_magsec.mdl";
self.weaponframe = 0;
self.items = self.items | IT_NAILS;
Step 4.
Now scroll down to W_Attack and find the statement:
else if (self.weapon == IT_NAILGUN)
Once found replace the contents of its brakects with the following code:
player_shot1 ();
W_FireMagsec ();
self.attack_finished = time + 0.25;
Thats all that need modifying in Weapons.qc
Step 5.
Once you have saved everything compile. You now have a Powerful but inaccurate weapon which Ejects a shell while fireing at a reasonable rate. The following people should be given credit: The creators of Perfect Dark, Kryten for his Projectile code, and last but not least the coder behind the Bullet Case Ejection, sorry I don't know your name. Thank you all! Marius
Tags: tutorial, quakec, qc, insideqc, weapon